The JinniEngineAnswer test serves to check the correctness of the validator that has been generated with JinnIde's Template tools. This is done by generating and calling a Java main class that tries out that validator. These are the steps to carry out the test:
  1. Start up the JinnIde test tool by clicking on the template entry "Test JinnIde"

  1. JinnIde's test tool comes up (probably a few seconds later if the JinnIde server is not up).

  1. Select the JinniEngineAnswer Test by choosing it from the respective combo box.

  1. Fill out the empty text fields, click on OK and the final confirmation window comes up. To fill out the fields consider the following hints (also provided as tool tips):
    • Exception Name: provide the name of the exception you defined in the Create Exception template tool e.g. MyDateException
    • Exception Package: type in the full name of the package (e.g. xyz.exceptions.jinni) where your exception is contained
    • Exception Jar: provide the file name of the JAR where your exception is contained e.g. MyExceptions.jar
    • Validation Call: type in the term (in Jinni Prolog's usual module-predicate specification) used to call the Jinni-Prolog-side validation process e.g. "validator:testit"
    • Validation Value: type in the value to be validated e.g. "20/04/04" as an example of a date to be validated
    Note that obviously above data must be conform to what has been applied for the tool-based validator and exception generations.
  1. Press "Run" to start the test, the rest is automatic. The test is successful if the userdefined exception is thrown and acknowleddged in JinnIde's console window. Otherwise, if a general Java exception is raised, the generation process of the validator and the userdefined exception should be revised.

© 2001-2016 Chico Toepfer